Previous Banquet Pictures: Greeting Fellow Members! Please accept this invitation to our annual meeting to be held February 22, 2025 at Delaware Bible Church located at 45 Belle Ave., Delaware, Ohio 43015. Click here or enter this in your browser: (
Welcome to the new Ohio Hunter Trapper Education Instructor Association (OHTEIA) We are a 501c(3) non-profit corporation organized to support the hunter and trapper education instructor in furthering education in the shooting and trapping sports. You can email us at any time at INFO at for information on becoming an hunter/trapper education instructor.
2024 Banquet Wrap up
We have completed a successful banquet! I noticed that most of you managed to park your dog sleds and snow machines in the parking lot. I trust that your ride home was a lot easier. The board was very thankful for all of your donations and a lot of you went home with new treasures. A […]
2023 Banquet Wrap up
The OHTEIA hosted another great banquet at the North Star Golf Club. Members heard from Ohio Wildlife Council member Karen Stewart-Linkhart about how the council operates and how sportsmen can propose changes to the council and the DNR. Lifetime achievement awards were given to Larry Himburg and Tom Parr for the work they have done […]
Sept 2022 – Director meeting at Trapping Museum
In between banquets the directors are working on planning the next banquet and working with the ODNR to improve Hunter and Trapper Education. The September 2022 director meeting was an example of that when they meant at the Trapping Museum in Galloway, OH ( Below are a few pictures from the trapping museum. Board members […]
2022 Ohio State Fair Photos
OHTEIA assisted with ODNR to put on an educational event for attendees during the state fair. Thanks to everyone who took time to volunteer. State Fair Photos:
2022 IHEA Virtual Meeting Information
Please consider joining IHEA-USA and attending the online portion of the conference. Those interested in traveling to West Palm Beach, Florida can attend in person. There will be over 30 Industry leading experts covering many topics applicable to Hunter Education during Online portion of the conference. The dates of the virtual IHEA-USA conference are May 17 […]
2022 OHTEIA Banquet Wrap Up
Thanks to our members we had a great time at the banquet. Special thanks to Terry and Sara for registration and handling the banking. Thanks Amy for all your help Peter for writing a great email and handling of the PayPal account. Jeff Sr and Jeff Jr. for selling items Jeff Jr for fantastic raffle ticket sales […]