Where you are new to instructor or an old pro below are frequently asked questions

Q: How do I become an instructor

A: The OHTEIA is for existing instructors.  New instructors should contact their ODNR District office to find out when then next instructor academy is scheduled and ensure they meet the minimum requirements.


Q: Who do I need to get a hold of if I want to use a laptop for a class

A: Fill out the Contact Us page and someone will get a hold of you from your district


Q: I’m a new instructor and how do I get teamed up with an experience instructor

A: Come to the OHTEIA Banquet and meet other instructors from your area;  contact the ODNR District office for assistance; Post a message on the instructor Google group and see if anyone needs help with a class


Q: Where can I find a hunter/trapper education near me.

A: Check out the ODNR website.